Hailing from Cincinnati, Ohio, Monty C. Benjamin is a young artist I had a chance to meet with at SXSW. After kicking a freestyle for me for about 20 minutes non-stop and referencing everything from my clothes to who I was with (trust it was off the dome) he'd impressed me enough to check out his tape. I found the single "Like This" and fell in love with the beat. It's a very typical single as far as beat and wordplay but Monty's delivery along with the fact that the YouTube video for this only has 131 views to date makes him someone I'm very interested in. I'll be excited to see his star rise in the coming years.

Monty - Like This
Download: Monty C. Benjamin – Like This
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Thomas Welker
Hey my name's Thomas I blog primarily about Hip-Hop underground and up and coming. Hip-Hop is easily my favorite genre but I can go for Electronica, Indie, whatever hits me right. Check out my other projects by listening to Tayyib Ali and going to NiceEnt.net to find the latest shows in the DMV and East Coast. Follow: @ThomasKWelker