Today's delivery is brought to you by Joanna Newsom. She's a composer/singer/songwriter who got her start at a very early age. She started playing piano and then, when she was at the old of age 7; decided to switch over to the harp which turned out to be her true love. Her love for music grew and turned into actual compositions and song-writing which ultimately showed a varied range in style. Her first major debut LP was entitled The Milk-Eyed Mender, released in 2004 and it received critical acclaim. She wrote all but one of the songs on the album and also does a lot of the production with, of course, harping. The track I'm bringing to you today is called "The Book of Right-On". You might not recognize it by the title or by the artist but I'm sure you've heard it in a movie or on TV somewhere. This folk track has a very optimistic and upbeat sound and houses a deeply emotional vibe which is credit to Joanna's music ability, in all aspects. Check out the track and chill….

Daily 2% – Chilled and Ready to Serve [Joanna Newsom]
Montrey Whittaker
Like many, I started my musical education while engaged in playing classical music in school. What began as a simple adolescent activity, quickly transformed into a deep love and appreciation for all forms of music. This love would continue to grow and manifested itself into the form of becoming a Co-Founder of EARMILK. This online music publication has become my outlet to spread all genres of music to those impressionable people, much like me. And, much like you, i'm often literally waiting for the drop....