Even without the visual treatment, Symba's "Winning Pt. 2" is, well, winning. It's easy to write off an aspiring rapper at first listen, especially if bland production or uninspiring lyricism are involved in any way. But something about Symba's music is different. While the visuals Aquavis Warfield has constructed for Symba's "Winning Pt. 2" are compelling, the Berkeley-born rapper has the lyrical aptitude to carry a listener well through the song, even on to the next.
A consistent flow, tightly-wound bars and some true musical versatility are what appear to give Symba staying power. In "Winning", the predecessor to "Winning Pt. 2", his delivery is varied but always controlled, ranging from "hard" to "no sign of stopping" without giving into its own intensity.
But Symba shows he has a few extra tricks up his sleeve with "Round of Applause", a bass-happy, club-popping song that will have listeners in the spot dropping booty to the floor in no time.
Whether in the middle of a cypher or behind the wheel of a two-door coupe, Symba seems to be on to something that has more than mild appeal. Download his tracks here and check back with us for more from this new artist.