Polska represent – our Movelt posse favourites just picked up this red and white duo and pitched a free one for an introduction. The name is Hush Hush Pony and you'll be seeing this fresh face around here more often as the label preps to release their signature compilation in the coming winter months. For now sip on Know Less, a track that showcases the collage of styles in their productions. Bass heavy house basslines circa Danny Daze, deep wurlitzer rhodes, and chopped up R&B vocals for that UK garage seal.
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/24838609" params="show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=000000" width="100%" height="81" ]
Keep an eye out on these two as well as future Moveltraxx releases by following the links below. You can catch up on their latest and greatest with my review of Big Dope P's Let Me Remix Dat EP.