If you know anything about dutch powerhouse Bart B More you know that he loves to collaborate with his fellow techno amigo Harvard Bass. Their first line of work was on Miami Noize 2 pumping out what's left of low end bangers with the track Listen to This. This week the two touch swords yet again in The Ones, dueling out dos singles on Bart's own Secure Recordings. Together the boys have put together a video featuring a night out in Tijuana Mexico. With the sun, background music, et al the city honestly looks like the most lax place on earth if you take away the ever increasing trafficking and abduction rates by drug cartels.
Mmmm lobster tacos…
(SEC024) Secure Recordings – Bart B More & Harvard Bass The Ones EP
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[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/23512381" params="show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=000000" width="100%" height="81" ]
A two faced release, with one side live funky house and the other deep ominous techno. Try both out and see how they fit.