There's no exact way of knowing how many songs are released in a day. Whether it be an eighteen second kazoo ditty on Soundcloud, or a Hypem track with 4 hearts, all music deserves a shot. Even on an independent blog like Earmilk, it's impossible to cover every band/song/remix worth listening too. That's why Straight From the Teet is back, and this time…IT'S DAILY! My name is Logan (aka Running) and I will be curating Earmilk's newest old feature, highlighting three up-and-coming artists from three different genres, so sit back and enjoy some good-old-fashioned, non-pasteurized, Earmilk. Drink it fast though, because I'll be coming back tomorrow with more…
In keeping with musical stereotypes, the lo-fi mastermind behind Denmark's own Georgiaa is internet reclusive. He (I can tell from the voice) recently released The Lake EP, a collection of four, feel-good, ethereal jams via Bandcamp. It's tough not to draw parallels between Georgiaa and other lo-fi greats like The xx, Beach House, and Body Wash (whom I recently showcased), but he makes the much needed addition of distorted guitars to the musical equation. This sets his distinctive brand of lo-fi-almost-shoegaze-rock apart from a blogosphere saturated by Washed Out wannabe's.
Drum & Bass
I'm not a super huge fan of any "bass-heavy" genre, but I do make exceptions. Primetime Massive holds a special place in my heart along with greats like Foreign Beggars, Jack Parow, Ben Sharpa, and a slew of other rappers who often use Dubstep or Drum & Bass producers. The convoluted story behind Primetime Massive can be read on their Soundcloud page (I wouldn't recommend it), but I'll give you the nuts and bolts. Underground producer "x" meets up-and-coming MC "y" to make beautiful music. "Tina Turna Booty" is a great song, hopefully you can look past the trashy name and get something out of it.
(P.S. Check these promo visuals…I'm glad they figured out how to insert text in iMovie)
I wish I could find more information on Brooklyn's own Blue Belt. His flow is smooth, his literary references are stellar, and his samples make me wish I was around in the fifties. "Anymore" is a stellar track that I could listen to endlessly on repeat. Keep watching Earmilk for any information regarding upcoming releases…I really want to get in contact with this guy.
Follow Me @LoganMcMillen