The sun is bathing us grotty Londoners at the moment. Temp is around 14(57 ºF) which for us is more than enough to work up a decent sweat and shed some garments. Saw one dude sporting flip flops yesterday. Bit premature but fair enough.
This track is perfect for the time of year and is the soon to be released Toddla T single Take It Back feat Shola Ama and j2K. Yes Shola Ama is finally featuring on something new and she sounds awesome. Some old skool and good time vibes throughout this track, perfect for this brief interlude in the British grime.
Also Red Bull Music Academy lay down another monster set feat David Rodigan vs Toddla T!!! If your into reggae and it's progression through bass culture to jungle and dubstep you'll probably have a good time with this one. Stream through the jumps below.