The Toxic Avenger is the Frenchmen known as Simon DeLacroix. He has specialized in (unsurprisingly) french house for the past half a decade or so, and was a pivot in the early electro scene.
The video is pretty much a dream come true for most of us out there – beautiful women, future technology and apple hardware.
[dailymotion][/dailymotion]The Toxic Avenger – N'IMPORTE COMMENT
"N'importe Comment" EP is available on [itunes link="" title="The Toxic Avenger on iTunes" text="iTunes"] with remixes by: Sawgood, Make the Girl Dance, Barletta, La Caution, Pyjaman, etc.
New Toxic's DJ set tour in the US, on the 7th, 9th and 10th of october. Dates TBA.