OK GO has done it again in the Music Video department with the release of their newest video for the track "End Love". This time around the guys have decided to mess with TIME itself and have created a magnificently executed stop-motion like colorful adventure. Now, I wouldn't say this video is as tehcnical and as difficult as the video done for "This Too Shall Pass" but its amazing nonetheless and of course it was done all in one camera shot. These guys make music videos worth watching because in recent years it seems like music videos aren't as important as they were back in the 90's and less effort is put into them nowadays. I've collected tons and tons of music videos on my computer so that one day I can say "See I actually have good music videos from back in the day" but if OK GO motivates other groups to put tons of effort into their videos; we won't have to be forced to watch videos from our younger years but actually look forward to future productions. Check out the video and notes about the video from the director below:
"The fastest we go is 172,800x, compressing 24 hours of real time into a blazing 1/2 second. The slowest is 1/32x speed, stretching a mere 1/2 second of real time into a whopping 16 seconds. This gives us a fastest to slowest ratio of 5.5 million. If you like averages, the average speed up factor of the band dancing is 270x. In total we shot 18 hours of the band dancing and 192 hours of LA skyline timelapse – over a million frames of video – and compressed it all down to 4 minutes and 30 seconds! Oh and don't forget, it's one continuous camera shot."
-Jeff Lieberman [Director]