You heard of Wax yet? If not then this is the perfect time to get your legit introduction. He's got one of the sickest flows i've heard in a while and definitely deserves so more attention. That's why we are here. Wax actually has a pretty wide range of types of music he does but most if it it revolves around Hip-Hop but the guitar in the pic might throw you off that fact he would have a sick flow. I saw this video about a week back and have just been playing it everyday over and over because Wax just murders it. He's rhyming over the classic 93' Til Infinity beat that he just rides and rides. The track is called 10' Till Infinity and its a great track to start the year with. If you aren't careful you might get some really good messages about life. Check out the video/track below and keep an eye on Wax.
You dont wan't to rap after me / You'll never get invited back / Like Kramer to the Laugh Factory
I'm leaving competition so shook / This year we're stacking up more wins than a Vietnamese phone book.