Where my gangstas and baddies at? Yung OZZIE is back with more heat, and this time the British producer fires slow, heavy, and grimey shots in his new track “Gangsta.” Not only does he master the “drop,” but he also introduces and ties up the track with a beautiful and compelling melody. OZZIE keeps it simple, but keep its real. If you’re at all into trap and/or bass, there is no way you won’t not be feeling this beat. I have had this hook, “You say you a gangsta…” stuck in my head all day, and can’t wait to bump this at a party this weekend. It’s one of those beats that I want to sneak up on everyone, so when it drops they’ll be like, “What…just…happened” and “Please, don’t let it stop.”
“Gangsta” will be featured on his new Regime EP, coming out on Trap Door Records this Sunday for free. I repeat, dope music for free.
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