I'm a huge fan of the semi recent casette culture like what you might hear from Toro Y Moi. Wet Wings (pictured above) are a folk/electronic duo from earthquake-stricken Christchurch, New Zealand. Also, they have a cassette coming out October 12. Then you have Jon Lemmon who is a musician that hails from California originally but went to New Zealand as well to release his recent EP entitled Kindling(free for download). So, Wet Wings and Jon Lemmon decided to remix a track from each other and these two tracks are the result. Both tracks have a very "dreamy" feel and put you in a very specific mood but the music is good regardless. Check out both tracks below.

Montrey Whittaker
Like many, I started my musical education while engaged in playing classical music in school. What began as a simple adolescent activity, quickly transformed into a deep love and appreciation for all forms of music. This love would continue to grow and manifested itself into the form of becoming a Co-Founder of EARMILK. This online music publication has become my outlet to spread all genres of music to those impressionable people, much like me. And, much like you, i'm often literally waiting for the drop....