How much longer can Frank Ocean pull at the heartstrings of his fans? Who knows, but another week has gone by and passing another "promised" album release date. Last week, fans quickly took to Twitter to express their emotions of disappointment and frustration through emoji filled tweets.
Between Sunday 7/31 – Sunday 8/7 there were 1.8M Tweets mentioning Frank Ocean – with over 800,000 of those Tweets occurring on Friday 9 ( the peak occurred at 12:35 am ET) which was the supposed third date promised for this album release.
People had a lot to say about this disappointment. Some emotions were too strong for just words. The top Emoji's that are currently being used to express feelings towards Frank Ocean are:
Maybe there was never an album to begin with. Perhaps Frank Ocean plans on becoming the most popular artist this year without ever dropping anything. With all the press and popularity he's created with leveraging all of this anticipation he might be able to land a Grammy nomination for "Best Album." Either way, fans are becoming increasingly more emotionally invested in this release each week, just take a look at a few of the top Twitter posts below.
— ︎JAYVERSACE (@JAYVERSACE) August 5, 2016
If Frank Ocean drops the album tomorrow I'll pay everyone's tuition who RTs this.
— 💫 (@evalegacyy) August 5, 2016
Apple: Hey Frank have you sent the link of the album yet?
Frank: Album?
Apple: Frank….
Frank Ocean:
— rafael. (@rafaxodiaz) August 5, 2016