Pornhub is officially in the music business. Though he is not signed to the label, Coolio released a promotional track for Pornhub Records over the summer titled "Take It To The Hub." The new label also launched a contest looking for an artist to create an official theme song, with the winner receiving $5,000. The money would go towards creating a music video for the song, which will be featured on The hub says that the video would receive a guaranteed 500,000 views.
Pornhub Vice-President says, "we're looking for acts that aren't necessarily porn-focused." He would also go on to say, "we're an ad-based network looking for content that appeals to our demographic. Mature lyrics for an adult audience; no boy bands or teen-pop, for instance. Producers, music technicians, everyone in the business you could imagine [have entered the contest]. There's erotic folk, rap, country — everybody has come to us."
I'm not quite sure what to think about Pornhub starting it's own record label. Should be interesting to see what kind of artists they sign. Currently, Pornhub says that the A&R department is a "work in progress."