In honor of the third instalment of the Emmy-award-winning dramedy Netflix series, “Master of None,” the platform recently debuted "Moments in Love: A Music Experience." Shedding light on the season’s intimate relationship between lovers Denise and Alicia, the musical guide showcases performances from various Black queer artists and a bonus conversation between Lena Waithe and the timeless R&B crooner, Maxwell.
June highlights many Pride and Black Music celebrations across the nation and "Moments In Love" seeks to continue this celebration. The third season of “Master of None” hones in on the honest and raw relationship between two Black, queer women. Navigating the varying intersectionality of being Black, queer, and a woman, this season draws on the reality of their experience. Netflix and Hillman Grad’s collaboration to present “Moments in Love” functions like a “wine pairing” to the third instalment while also providing opportunities for Black queer artists to show off their skills.
Including performances from Tiffany Gouche, Durand Bernarr, Destin Conrad, Asiahn, and Avery Wilson, the showcase debuted via Instagram on Monday, May 24thand live on YouTube on Thursday, June 3rd. “These artists represent a new day in music. All of these artists feel free to be themselves. I’m so grateful to all of them for sharing their gifts with us,” Waithe speaks on the importance and beauty of the showcase. Each artist was given the stage to perform some of their best songs like Gouche's seductive "Red Rum Melody" and Wilson's "Reckless." In addition to giving this platform to Black artists, all performance visuals were also captured by an amazing team of Black women creatives including Malakai Johnson, Brittney Butler, Kiyanna Stewart, Jannah Handy, Lauren Carothers, and Tiscia Haigler.