Nearly a decade after their debut self-titled full length blew up, Australian duo Bag Raiders is nearing the release of their highly anticipated sophomore album Horizons. The two haven’t been strangers this whole time, with several singles and EPs being released in between. With more news of the forthcoming album, Bag Raiders is sharing another single from it, a track called “How Long.”
The song features fellow Aussie genius, Panama, who has been popping up everywhere lately. Recently appearing alongside artists like Satin Jackets, Poolside, and Zimmer, Panama seems to add that extra layer of magic that spells the ultimate chill groove. Collaborating with Bag Raiders resulted no differently. “How Long” is a tender and emotive dance track with lush, icy melodies and crisp percussion. Stemming from a concept of waiting for love to return, the track was brought to life after Bag Raiders and Panama got together in the duo's LA studio.
Look for “How Long” on the new album along with singles “Lightning” and “Wild at Heart.” Horizons is set to release September 6th and can be pre-ordered from the Bag Raiders webstore.
Connect with Bag Raiders: Spotify | SoundCloud | Facebook | Twitter
Connect with Panama: Spotify | SoundCloud | Facebook | Twitter