There is no man in the music industry that I have met that is as hysterical, humble, passionate, and interesting as Denver based producer, Option4. Dillon, I’m sorry if that gets your feelings all hurt, we can still be friends, I promise. Let’s be real here, dude has ridden a camel in full renaissance attire. Have you, Dillon? No. No, you haven’t. Option’s personality exudes triumphantly in each and every down beat and half note as he ignites our funny bones and femurs to move in tune with his grooves. His latest remix of “All Of The People” by rising indie group Panama Wedding is no exception. Throbbing bass pulsates on this track while clavicles click and clack atop the track submersing us in a track that it so deep it transcends the oceans floor and propels us into the inner core of the earth. Woah, that’s pretty damn deep . . . hope you brought your swimming goggles.
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