R&B is full of "blurred lines" today, composed of multiple sub-genres across all forms of modern music. We've seen electronic soul and hip-hop, electro-funk, and even indie soul music. It's rare today to find someone who gives R&B classical justification, but the outspoken "rebirth" of Los Angeles vocalist Gene Noble and his video release of "Lies" puts soul back in the palm of our hands.
The video is a harsh reality check on poverty and political oppression today, flashing in and out of clips that are unsettling to say the least. Gene's vocals are represented by his hooded figure surrounded by a storm of darkness, symbolizing the hurt and passion emphasized in the track.
With Gene's music, he wants you to "think love lines, rather than love notes. Think declarations, rather than catch phrases." He dedicates his rebirth in music as Gene Noble to the remembrance of his father Gene, who lost his life saving that of another man. We can see hints of this past in Gene's video as he takes us on a journey of pain ultimately triumphed over by motivation and goodwill.
I can see a substantial amount of potential in Gene, and can't wait for his first full length project. Check out his official video for "Lies" now.