The amount of sexism in hip-hop is just plain gross, being force fed a disgustingly male-centric and heteronormative culture curdles the stomach so Barf Troop spewing out Summerslime is a projectile girl power purge. Babeo Baggins presents "BreakBEAST" as the tapes opening track and it serves as both an introduction to and summary of the project as a whole.
The DIY production, provided on BreakBEAST by Double J, is alluring as a still totally raw and sonically spectral art. Creative lines that are as likely to be about sexual fantasies as they are comic book characters careen coyly over the spooky crawl. Wholly dissatisfied with being designated as any lesser for her gender Babeo Baggins demands respect for everyone from subverted sub-cultures (even if one of them happens to be the entirety of women) from everyone not already on the progressive wave. And how many tracks not only thank you for listening but also do so with Pikachu calls? BreakBEAST does, so don’t thank us, Barf Troop is grateful enough to have you.
[soundcloud url="" params="" width=" 100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]