A first-generation Canadian with roots planted in Ethiopia, Emanuel is a global talent with a voice out of this world. On “Worldwide” Emanuel reflects on the fast-paced last year and a half that saw him break into the world as an artist and garner a slew of attention and accolades. Above the material successes, Emanuel reiterates his longing to finally connect with fans from all over the world up close and personal after the pandemic.
“Worldwide” melts straight into our hearts with its lush emotive landscape and sinewy R&B, reminiscent of "Butterflies" from MJ's Invincible era, thanks to production from John Fellner and Ryan Bakalarczyk. With distinctive soulful vocals and a plethora of co-signs already up his sleeve, from Idris Elba to Motown Records, Emanuel is bound to indeed take the damn thing “Worldwide”.