Critically acclaimed jazz musician Timmy Trumpet has teamed up with Kastra for an unlikely dance collaboration on "Wassup." The heavily pop-dance influenced track is much different than what Timmy Trumpet fans are used to.
While combining the powerhouse genres of metal, classical, and dance music, Timmy Trumpet and Kastra get bass and kick just right. This superb blend of the kick and bass allows for the trumpet melody to effortlessly be carried throughout. The swirling melody pairs flawlessly with the chanting vocals and energetic vibe. Trumpet's horn tootin' is exemplified through a mirage of octave jumps and production effects. Kastra and Timmy Trumpet greet your ears in more ways than one with "Wassup."
Connect with Timmy Trumpet: SoundCloud|Facebook|Twitter|Instagram
Connect with Kastra: SoundCloud|Facebook|Twitter|Instagram