It is nice, for a change, to encounter music that is truly devoid of electronics. B.R. Lively went back to his Texas roots to record his latest album, and in his latest single "Summertime Sky", incorporates jazzy chords, a dreamy swaying-with-the-trees feel and horns in lieu of the current indie trend of drum pads and atmospheric white noise. "Summertime Sky" will make up for the veritable lack of Jack Johnson-type, feel-good folk on the airwaves at the moment.
Of the single, B.R. relays:
It’s a celebration of being outside, of enjoying the fullness of nature in a respectful way. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of our heads and devices, but there is something about the simplicity of nature that is healing. She can be scary at times, but we’ve got each other and the storms will pass. As with everything in life, there is a natural balance and a lot we can learn if we are open.
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