Whether it's something in the air or water, Canada keeps churning out artists worth paying attention to. Clairmont the Second is among this group, having dropped his project Quest For Milk & Honey (Black Edition) last year to praise from media and fans alike. Earlier this week, he dropped a video for "The Road", a song from the project that truly represents Clairmont's standout talent among his peers.
The video starts with Clairmont getting ready for his day and quickly transitions as a swelling of bass and piano lulls the viewer into a skateboarding montage narrated by the artist waxing poetic about what’s on his mind. The barrage of shots help illustrate context to the world surrounding Clairmont and provide greater understanding to what informs his perspective about what’s happening around him.
Watch “The Road” here.
Connect with Clairmont the Second: Soundcloud | Facebook | Twittter | Instagram