Ever since I stumbled upon HASEEB and his track "Fleas," I became an instant fan. While the track in and of itself was cool, it was the story that made it so memorable. It's a peculiar one: the Southern California based rapper was helping his pit-bull get over a bout of fleas, only to get attacked by the parasites; oddly enough, it's stuck with me ever since I first heard it. HASEEB's most recent track, "Game Days," has him spitting bars over a smoothed out beat from rising talent Curtiss King that makes me feel like every day is Sunday. HASEEB's got a nice rhyme scheme that does the beat justice. Grab the homies, shoot some hoops, and turn this one way up if you feel like you need one more day before the work week is in full effect. Peep the track and stay tuned for their next project, The Daisy Chain, which should be out real soon.
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/207573938"]

HASEEB & Curtiss King
"Game Days"
- May 31st, 2015