It's official: we've seen just about everything from Australia's The Aston Shuffle. The house music-making duo has mastered the art of the poppy dance track, with originals that have attracted contemporaries like John Dahlback, Flume and Tommy Trash, and remixing everyone from The Presets to St. Lucia and Fitz & The Tantrums. Well today they've conquered a new realm of music: hip hop.
With a little help from their friends 96 Bulls, the guys have remixed Nicki Minaj's latest radio hit from her album The Pinkprint with the raunchy title "Truffle Butter," bringing it into the world of house music. Its grooviness is accentuated by the bass tones given to the original production, along with an amped up tempo and copping and screwing just where it's right. With a trap breakdown, this one is one we'll have on repeat all weekend.
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