If you've never been to Asheville, NC, you really ought to consider a visit. The town is an oasis nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, where bluegrass and electronic music coexist in blissful hippie harmony. Only a place such as this could produce a rap duo like CrazyHorse & Colston. Their blend of rap, country, rock, bluegrass, and whatever else comes to mind is something that could only be cultivated in such a diverse environment.
CrazyHorse & Colston just dropped a video for their song "Soul Driven," and it gives one a good idea of who they are. They rap with milk jugs in their hand. They pop wheelies on lawnmowers. They still like to jump on the bed (but only if they've got a female friend). Oh, they can also rap, really well. Basically, they don't take themselves too seriously, yet they're not interested in making themselves into, y'know, Riff Raff. Watch out for these guys, they're extending the boundaries of what hip-hop can be.

CrazyHorse & Colston
"Soul Driven" [Video]