Every once in a while a track comes along that resonates, to some extent, with anyone who listens to it; "Burnout" is one of these tracks. When I first heard "Burnout" I was chilling on a Lake Michigan beach. Summer was in full swing—the sun was shining, the water was twinkling, people were laughing and enjoying the beautiful day, and of course music was bumping. I had my speakers plugged into my iPhone blasting whatever was on my Soundcloud stream. I was about to play a track I knew, when all of a sudden the cheerful piano chords and signature clap of "Burnout" started ringing out of my speakers. The track's intro immediately caught and held my attention as the tone of "Burnout" perfectly coincided with the summer vibes of the day. Then Saba's crisp and soulful rhyme cadence began to flow out of the speakers as well and right at that moment when the Pivot Gang artist rapped, "My grandad adament about Adam and Evil/ How after the show in the back it's a Katt Stacks dyin' to meet you" I was a fan of Saba. To put it simply, Saba's production and song structure on "Burnout" made me and the others I was with feel good and at the end of the day that's what music is all about, making people feel something.
The concept for the "Burnout" video is aligned with the previously described feel-good-vibe as Saba is seen driving a toy car with Eryn Allen Kane, who provides vocals on the track, in the passenger seat. This visual that accentuates the playful tone of the track as well as illustrates Saba's verses in "Burnout". Personally, I have never seen a video quite like "Burnout" with visuals switching from a real-life perspective as seen with Saba and Kane clapping to them billowing through a drive-in theater screen as 2-D paper cut-outs in the aforementioned toy car. Maybe I'm biased because I'm from Chicago, but the "Burnout" video is one of my favorite music videos of the year thus far. From the cut-out of Chicago skyline and the MTA L to the last sequence of the video which shows two kids playing with the cars in the video, one can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia.
Heed these words, Saba is next-up to blow up out of Chicago. It is a fact. The 20-year old artist's summer project ComfortZone, is in my opinion, one of the best projects of the year thus far, with "Burnout" being a standout track on the tape. With that said, do yourself a favor and watch the "Burnout" video below and let the good vibes roll in. Support Saba by downloading ComfortZone here and by following him on Soundcloud.