Have you ever had a dream in which you couldn't distinguish fiction from reality? Why do we dream? How do we know that our lives aren't just one big dream? Before we go all metaphysical on you, let's give you something to bump. Check out this latest EP from Massachusetts producer Cheatcode and try not to drift out of consciousness. Phantasmagoria, which means an ever confusing scene akin to a dream that is constantly changing , has its roots in bass music and hip-hop, but the style in which Cheat blends them together is some next level stuff. According to the producer, the album is best enjoyed in one sitting, as the songs were meticulously arranged to emit that strange, but delightful feeling that may arise from our dreams.
What I dig about Cheatcode is that he's not about fitting into the norms of what's going on in the scene. While I do enjoy this EP as a whole, "All I Know" and Dead President" are my standout joints; the former uses a dominating, cryptic piano beat alongside a chopped up T.I sample, while the latter unites The Notorious B.I.G with a chilling John F. Kennedy speech to get you hooked on the sounds of Cheatcode. Check out the tracks down below and support the producer by downloading the tracks today.
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- August 11th, 2014