Since the 2011 release of the first Moda Black compilation the new wave label has been leaping from strength to strength and even picked up an iTunes electronic album of the year award. Now with it's third installment entitled Moda Black Vol III we are offered up fourteen stunning tracks from the likes of Ejeca, Jason Bye, Sidney Charles and a selection of Moda Black's finest. This track from Marco Faraone especially stands out with pounding rhythmic patterns, speaker shaking kick drum sounds reminiscent of 90's house music and a wink towards what some would consider the age of electronic music's rise. Beautifully layered among the low end thumps and top end pops and clicks is an extremely chunky bass riff swaying on and off the beat to create an entrancing wall of sound that is sure to reward the listener for multiple listens. If the past 3 years have culminated in such a well versed compilation, it's exciting to think where Moda Black could be in another 3 years.

Marco Faraone
"New Direction"
- Moda Black
- 09-06-2014