With some help from Nicals Lundin, Tom Swoon has jolts us with his newest release "Otherside". Visualize yourself at the bottom of a mountain looking straight up. When "Otherside" starts playing, as if on cue from the guy producing the soundtrack of your life, your energy begins to build and the mountain doesn't seem so daunting as you start to climb. When the vocals and melody kick in, you're given the lighthearted confidence to leap into the air and suddenly you're soaring high over the mountain; laughing as the landscape begins to shrink as you get higher and higher in the air. You pass the summit of the song and mountain simultaneously, and only then do you begin to descend on the "Otherside" as a transformed individual. You've conquered that imaginary mountain in the span of the new Tom Swoon song and you've reached new heights. Translate that experience onto the dance floor or into a giant festival crowd, and you're in for a good time. Check out the track below, out now with Zouk Recordings.