A Quick Word from the Authors:
Break the mold. Why stick to a formula? What's the fun in that? Just think, if all music were to stick to a singular path we would have no variation, no experimentation.
Personally, in school I was never one to excel in subjects that required abidance to a specific set of rules. I found that when I was given the ability to express myself, like in subjects such as writing and music, that I carried the most motivation throughout. This is somewhat where the music industry currently lays, in a place where people are completely free to express their emotions through song or other means.
Given that there is an extremely accessible medium (computers) that enables the creation of music to stem out of every which way, it is no wonder that new acts extend out of shadows at a nearly constant rate. Just think of the term 'indie' in general,it has become so bloated that it can seemingly mean 100 different things, as the inclusion of synthetic sounds has caused the genre to branch out into the unknown. Without the need to master every instrument that lives in the composition we are able to capture artists' thoughts at any given time. Some may say that the inclusion of electronics into certain genres has a negative effect, however I myself think it is a beautiful thing. We are now able to dig deeper into specific moments in time. So, here's to living in an open minded society where we all possess the freedom of expression. Anywho, let's dive into the sabbath, and in doing so, as time progresses, you will begin to notice an evolution, just like the state of music as the year carries on.
– Aaron Thomas & Anna Murphy
Little Dragon
After releasing the first preview of their forthcoming album last month with "Klapp Klapp" (read our review here), Little Dragon made an appearance on Zane Lowe's Hottest Record in the World this week with "Paris". Picking up where "Klapp Klapp" left off in terms of a synth-heavy background, "Paris" nods at the Little Dragon we have come to know through their three previous albums, also including signs of honing in on a new, distinct sound that should carry throughout Nabuma Rubberband.
Further proof that Merrill Garbus' mind functions at alternative wavelengths, tUnE-yArDs new song "Wait for a Minute" maintains the offbeat and somewhat disjointed stance that always somehow comes together in the end to form a coherent and pleasing overall vibe. Slowing the pace from "Water Fountain", the previously released song off of their new album Nikki Nack, "Wait for a Minute" relies heavily on Garbus' voice for ingenuity, which is at times deliberately layered just off of the beat to add to the songs personality.
Jamie xx
Also, this week Jamie xx, electronic producer and member of The xx, released a video for his latest forward-minded work. A track that surfaced and floated around the web last November known as "Untitled", the track has since been released and titled "Sleep Sound". While the track can, without question, stand alone, the hype is currently surrounding the accompanying video that was released earlier this week. Featuring 13 members of the Manchester (U.K.) Deaf Center, the Sofia Mattioli video showcases the members dancing along with Mattioli, as well as with the music vibrations floating through the air.
The Bees Knees
The Pasture: Phox – "Slow Motion"
The Kindle: Gorgon City – "Here For You" (Ft. Laura Welsh)
The Tryptophan: Chrome Sparks – "Goddess"
The Indie Gift Basket
- The Pasture Less is more — slow-churned nights need a soundtrack too, and relaxation is underrated. Drawing from hushed textures the intersection between folk, r&b and translucent melodies can surprisingly be navigated without an atlas. So kick back, chill out or fall asleep – but be sure to stream the easy-going tracks for the epitome of mellow.
- The Kindle — whether it is your run of the mill indie sing-along or an electronic remix of that song that's stuck on repeat on your campus radio station the Kindle represents a peak of accessibility. The top forty that no one knows, the songs that you pop on that party playlist, the tracks you belt while driving 80 MPH on a desert highway, or the jams you blast alone in your bedroom, rocking out with your socks on, solo style. Wherever you are, you’re in for a treat by way of indie beats.
- Lastly, in The Tryptophan indie gets plugged. What ups the ante more than experimental electronics and synths? Think of The Tryptophan as a playlist for forward-minded individuals, filled with everything from airy ascending melodies to mind-bending beats that work to spark a progressive, yet equally grounded mindset.
The Pasture
Teasing the classic indie taste bud, The Pasture begins with the highlighted track from Wisconsin's Phox. "Slow Motion" has it all in terms of a straightforward folk-inspired indie track, the catchy chorus, full instrumentation, and, of course, the novel, sporadic instrumental fill here and there. Once the opening song ends there are only slight nods towards live instrumentation where electronics dominate the platter that serves vocal melodies, leaning heavily on neo soul for direction. In all, this weeks pasture features artists that remain fairly undiscovered, so show them some support if you appreciate their sound.