SXSW raged on on its warm Friday afternoon, and we were still recovering from an epic Mad Decent Showcase the night before. Dexter Tortoriello, better known by his stage name Dawn Golden, blew us away that night with an emotional set that displayed his incredible vocals as well as his skills on the knobs and pads. Watching him perform was a spectacle, and you're left with little doubt that this guy pours his heart and soul into his music. Dawn Golden took some time before his Friday shows to hang with us at the Omni hotel, and let us in on his backstory, what gets his musical gears in motion, and what he's got in the oven for us this spring via Mad Decent. You can check out the interview in its entirety below, and be sure to check out the music video for his latest single.
Earmilk: This is you're 4th year to Austin and SXSW, so you've been around the block. What's your favorite thing about SXSW?
Dawn Golden: Consistently, and this sounds really dumb, but the SESAC has a luncheon at the Driskill every year and it’s like a haven there. They just have amazing free food and it’s really mellow. I always have a bunch of meetings there, and it’s such a nice break from everything else. But as far as shows go, it changes every year, obviously. But this Soundcloud party I went to was really cool, and the Mad Decent one was so much fun.
EM: Speaking of that, fantastic show last night. How was it playing at the Mad Decent Showcase?
DG: Oh, man, it was so much fun. It’s been awhile since I’ve played a Mad Decent event. I did a lot of the block parties and stuff like that a couple years ago, and I usually do their SXSW parties. But last year I just DJ’d, and this year since I have a record coming out I wanted to actually perform. It was amazing. They always have really nice sound systems, which is nice. It’s never boring, that’s for sure.
EM: You ended your set with what I thought was a really powerful sample. What did you take that from and what does it mean to you?
DG: Thank you! It’s a sample from this big speech from this movie from the 70s called Network. It’s kind of a famous thing that not many people know about; kind of like a cult speech. It’s amazing and it comes like half way through the movie and you’re not expecting it, and this thing happens and you’re like, “holy shit, that’s unbelievable.” And it’s so applicable to right now. That quote, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore,” is for me is a way of living and operating your own life. If you’re not happy with something then you need to get up do something about it and change it.
EM: Your live setup and production is truly remarkable and one can really appreciate that when they see you live. Can you tell us a little about your musical influences growing up and how it came to influence your current sound?
DG: My influences were all over the place. As a kid I was really into death metal, so as a kid I grew up playing the drums. I played the drums for years. Then I went the polar opposite and started listening to a lot of drone music and ambient stuff. Mogwai and stuff like that when I was like 14 or 15. I stopped listening to death metal or anything with any kind of energy for a long time. And then it all kind of came back together. I started hearing electronic music and Tim Hecker and stuff like that. He incorporates all the things I like from ambient and then the distorted balls-to-the-wall craziness of metal into one thing, and I just fell in love with it. So yeah, there’s a lot of influences that just come together. I think I have an engaging set that is fun and something that you can emotionally connect to it. And at the same time I want to play drums up there because I just love playing drums, and then I just want to be able to freak out up there. This project is a culmination of everything I like to do in my life, so it’s really nice to be able to do that and get a response from people.
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