If there's one thing we've established from our previous coverage of England's Lazy Rich, it's that as a producer and DJ, he is far from what his name suggests. Scouting out potential collaborators is surely a trait of a go-getter, and that's what Rich did for his latest release after hearing the work of fellow Brit Special Features. This week, the two have ventured off from their previous label in common, Ultra Records, and have headed over to the Swedish hub of Le7els to release "Beginning of the World."
After nailing down the instrumentals, the guys saw a need for vocals, landing on the perfect vocal fit in Laurel's voice. The result went far beyond their already high expectations, and they know that they had a very special piece of music on their hands. A first from the three artists is the second influential track from Special Features this year and the kickoff for an exciting release-filled 2014 for Rich. "Beginning of the World" is funky, edgy with spurts of electro, so check it out below as well as our special guest mix from Lazy Rich himself, where he gives us a preview of his sights for Miami next week.