David August at a mere twenty years old from Germany is responsible for some of the most soothing and moving deep house music out there. With each release, he fully displays his ability to grow and develop as a musician and producer. His newest, Epikur EP, off of ciritcally acclaimed label Innvervisions is a moving two track release with a powerful resonance. Both tracks truly move the listener and show what effect progressive dance music can have. The title track is the highlight, during which a subtle but powerful deep groove transitions into an intense chord progression before swelling into a beautiful climax. Both tunes have an incredibly wide and spacious stereo soundscape. David creates space beautifully through the use of field recording and huge synthesized sounds. I recommend this EP for dance and instrumental lovers alike. Catch David August at the Diynamic showcase on the 28th in Space, Florida.

David August
Epikur EP
- Innervisions
- March 17th 2014