The DC-based group known a Misun is one of the most versatile bands I've come across in the past few years. They somehow have the ability to achieve sounds that range between '80s beach punk, contemporary R&B electronic melodies, indie rock, and the sonority of world music. Oh yeah, and they manage to do it really, really well every time.
Their tracks are modern yet simple, but always full enough to make you feel complete by the time they are sadly over. Composed of Misun Wojcik (vocals/keys), William Devon (bass/keys), Nacey (guitar/production), and Jon Jester (drums), the four-person group has a special energy that is both sunny and dark, the kind of energy you want to see on stage at an outdoor music festival while you sway away and rock on in your shorts and sandals.
This self-defined aquawave band has released two stellar tracks in past two weeks, one of them being the dusty, dissonant west coast rock treat that is "Nothing Else", the other being the opposite-in-almost-every way, tropical and drum-heavy treat below, "Travel with Me."
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