French up-and-comer Arias is back with another single this week, continuing in the series of singles named after constellations. With “Majoris”, “Pegasus”, and “Andromeda” already under his belt, he continues his brand of melodically-driven progressive house with “Viirgo”. Filled with spacey chords and a buildup that doesn’t result in over-the-top minimal bass, Arias is an artist focused on continuously building energy, rather than a drop so different it loses its musical touch. It still keeps it’s dark edge though, playing up minor keys over a skating bassline. With crossover tracks in so many trance and house focused sets these days, Viirgo easily fits in the ambiguous middle ground. Keep your eye out for more lyricless progressive creations evolving into a style unto itself, not unlike the early days of Eric Prydz's career.