Thoughts of eclecticism and ferocity flicker across my mind as I take in Jesse Marco's new Pirate Radio mixtape. Providing EARMILK with the exclusive premiere, this New York native supplies a near 55-minute mashup mixtape/continuous mix that spans multiple genres ranging from hip-hop to trap to electro pop and much more. Essentially tailor-made for those ADD college kids from whom Jesse has developed quite a following, which makes sense since he's coming off his 2012 College Dropout Tour with photographer KirillWasHere.
I must concede that while this mixtape is full of energy and has unique funky vibes to it, there were some samples and transitions that seemed to lack cohesiveness. The sample transition from Kendrick Lamar's "Drank" to Drake's "Started From The Bottom" comes to mind, as it came across as rushed and slightly out of place. However, with a majority of listeners most likely imbibing deeply with their drink(s) of choice, this should be a minor qualm.
Instead, the focus should be on Jesse's ability to manipulate the energy as he shuttles us back and forth from an all-out frenzy to brief-but-much-needed segments of respite. This strength speaks to the multitude of experience that he has gained while performing. While the mixtape may lack the suave personality of mixes I normally gravitate to, I can't deny the raw power that emanates from Pirate Radio and is ultimately where it excels.
Highlights of the mixtape include Icona Pop's "I Don't Care" and Oliver's "MYB" sample segment (14:30 mark), Just Blaze and Baauer's "Higher" coupled with TNGHT's "Higher Ground" (24:00 mark), and perhaps my favorite segment, coming at just after the 8-minute mark courtesy of Clockwork's "Surge" featuring Wynter Gordon as it quickly reverts back to previously sampled AC DC's "TNT". Take in the mixtape above, catch the full track listing below, and download here.
Pirate Radio Tracklist:
1. Lookin Up and I Still Love You (Carli x Switch x Pirate Radio Scratch Intro)
2. Ode To Follow Technologic (TJR x Lykke Li x Daft Punk)
3. Surge from T.N.T. (AC/DC x Clockwork x Jesse Marco's Cowbell Redrum)
4. Who Go Deep (Wax Notif & Neoteric x Tujamo & Plastic Funk)
5. I Love Your Incredible Body (Icona Pop & Sick Individuals x Borgore & Carnage x Oliver)
6. Oh Boy What You Waiting For, Work It (Diplo x GTA x M@W x R4 Missy Elliot)
7. Higher Than Higher Ground (Just Blaze & Baauer x TNGHT)
8. Jah No Mercy Going Wild in Bootleg Pools (Major Lazer x Kanye West x Skrillex x Dillon Francis x Kendrick Lamar)
9. Started from the Bottom vs. The Code (Drake x W&W)
10. Seven Nation Cannonball (The White Stripes x Showtek & Justin Prime)
11. Natives Get Down To Turn It Up (LMCK x Paul Johnson x GTA x Dimitri Vegas x Like Mike)
12. Stay In and Reload (Rihanna x Sebastian & Tommy Trash)
13. Turn The Snake Drum (Cassian x Russ Chimes x Autoerotique)
14. Bird Wait Machine (DJ Snake x Ying Yang Twins)