Very few artists can take classic rock songs and remix them into something that isn’t generic. Few also have the ability to take the original and give it a totally new and fresh interpretation. Pretty Lights got a gold star for his remix of John Denver’s “Country Roads” and now Canadian producers Free n Losh join in the ranks with their creative remix of Led Zepplin’s “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You.” FnL have taken this classic rock gem and turned it into a soulful groove. Jimmy Page’s entrancing guitar chords and Robert Plants emotionally filled vocals are accompanied by a chilled-out minimalistic percussion bed that make this track certified gold. Free n Losh certainly aren’t timid to take a crack at old classics, they have put their spin on Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and even rat pack lady killer Frank Sinatra. Boogie on over to their Soundcloud for a free download, while you’re there go ahead and click the follow button, these guys are hot right now.
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