If you don't know what NSFW means, it's an acronym for the tag Not Safe For Work. So if you are work in some place public, it's best to save this particular video for a more private time, since there is some psychedelic nudity towards the end of this particular music video by Tame Impala. Tame Impala is an Australian based indie band that channels and carries the glorious musical characteristics of the 60s and 70s. They ooze influence from their psychedelic rock revival style with incorporation of some modern indie trends. Their recent colossal album Lonerism is only their sophomore album and has received enormous praise while frequenting top albums of the year lists from magazines to websites. An official music video of "Mind Mischief", which is off of Lonerism, was released in the past few days. It captures the essence of Tame Impala's persona and style by taking place a few decades ago with the addition of scandalous promiscuity and sexuality. Not to mention that towards the second half the video, all hell breaks loose by transitioning into that trippy, psychedelic cartoon style that would certainly turn your brain to mush if you had certain substances playing games with your mind. We have also included the making of the music video where they go more in-depth of how they made it and their approach.
Take a daze below, hence "Mind Mischief".