Here lies MMG.
Don't put flowers on on their grave just yet. The above line doesn't indicate a death premonition for the genre-rumbling label Mello Music Group but rather an indication of their unmatched willingness to explore the uncharted territories of hip-hop. When MMG sees signs that read, "here be dragons," they put up their own: "here lies MMG."
Other emcees have been here before – calling out the street hustle for what it is: a way of feeding your fam and not Happy Meal junkies – but Uptown XO approaches it with a spiritual power that AB The Pro puts to music. If Uptown's sermonizing, "now niggas hustle to keep up with their habit/ tricks are for kids, silly rabbit," AB makes the beat his clergy.
"Flowers" marks an important prelude to XO's Colour de Grey, which drops January 29th. Pre-order at the following links: iTunes and CD.