Trapstyle is an exploding movement in EDM. Its a marriage of hip hop and dance music that has blown up so hard its already getting haters left right and center. Its kind of cool for me to listen to it because its not too far off from the original music that got me into the whole dance music scene in 2006 when guys like Flosstradamus in Chicago, Hatchmatik in Montreal, Cobra Krames in NYC were adding dance beats and electronic elements to big hip-hop tracks. Today's original hip-hop/electronic genre blending heavyweights like A-Trak and Diplo have been playing trap music for nearly half of their recent sets and trap titans like RL Grime, Bauer and the resurgent Flosstradamus, are playing sold out rooms across the globe. To get a little deeper into the movement we've got an interview with Luminox a young up and comer in the genre who's tracks have been getting support from the likes of Diplo, Skrillex, A-Trak, Dillon Francis, and Flux Pavillion. Luminox is touring Canada this weekend playing Toronto tonight, Montreal tomorrow, and Ottawa Sunday. Just let us know your thoughts on Trap in general in the comments for a chance to win tickets to any of these shows if your in the area.
EARMILK: Whatup Luminox? What's the story with the name?
Luminox: Whats up. Growing up, I was in love with graffiti. My dad was an awesome graffiti artist when he was younger, and taught me. I chose several names over the years and 'Luminox' was one I came up with in 8th grade … I did a little research this year and the name has a very interesting meaning in Latin. The prefix Lumin means 'light' or 'illumination' and the suffix Nox means 'night' … You do the math. Also, there's a watch company named Luminox I found out about this year that rained on my originality parade but whatever lol
EM: How long have you been producing music for now?
L: I have been producing since I got my hands on FL Studio in 2005. So almost 7 years now. I never went to school for it or anything. Just trial and error.
EM: You're at the forefront of a genre right now that has massive buzz — good and bad. Can you talk a a bit about the recent explosion in trapstyle music? Do you think it's a passing fad or here to stay?
L: In a few months time, this sound has taken over festivals and blogs. Its such an easy crossover into EDM from the mainstream hip-hop sound. And because of that, I think its going to be rocking clubs for years to come. Trapstyle is here to stay. Its such a young genre. Producers haven't had a chance to dive very deep just yet. We are just grasping it. I think it has all the potential in the world. Doubters of Trapstyle think they've heard it all. 808 drums and some bleep bloops … 2013 will unveil the rise of Trapstyle.
EM: Who are some of your main influences in producing?
L: Influences (not in any order) … Led Zeppelin, The Neptunes, Timbaland, Danjahandz, Johnny Juliano, Skrillex, R3hab, Prince (Yes, Prince lol), Rusko, Wolfgang Gartner, The Doors, Alvaro … Too many to think of lol.
EM: Who are your main boys involved in the trapstyle genre?
L: My main dudes in Trapstyle: Curt & Josh of Flosstradamus, CRNKN, Brillz, Trapzillas … There's more I'm just bad at naming people.
EM: How does it feel to get support from massive names like Skrillex, A Trak, Diplo Dillon Francis and more? Do you think there will be collabs with big name electronic artists or beyond in the near future?
L: Its overwhelming. I have been listening to these guys for years as a fan, and now they are fans of mine. Its an awesome feeling. As for collabs, I think there is a huge possibility. Although I can't say names.
EM: What do you have upcoming in the next months musicwise?
L:As for the next few months, I have an EP coming out on KatHaus Records in late October. Watch out for KHR. I also have a mixtape dropping<https://
EM: What three tracks get the best crowd reaction in your live sets?
L: The 3 songs that get the best response in my live sets are my remix of 'Rattle' by Bingo Players, 'Bricksquad Anthem' by Mayhem & Antiserum and an unreleased track from me called 'Circus Act.'
EM: What has been your craziest live show so far?
L: All of my shows are pretty wild. The best crowd would have to be Denver thus far.
EM: Who are some and upcoming producers to watch out for?
L: Producers to watch out for … Brillz, DJ Slink (with one i), Nightmare, CRNKN, DJ Carnage, Loud Flavor, Owen Bonez.
EM: Thanks for your time bro! See you this weekend at one of the shows.
L: Shoutouts to EnvyUs Talent Agency, KatHaus Records, and every single person who's pressed play on one of my tracks. Much Love!
L: Check out some of Luminox's tracks below and follow the trap music chart on if your feeling it.
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