This seems like a keen and astute meeting of minds, certainly one to hold close and keep an ear on. TMS are responsible for production, Jagga delivers smooth reggae tinged vocals, and Devlin carries his trademark rhymes to the track. The production skirts between a feel for atmospheric dubstep and gritty grime, but with a lot of depth and a bass that has just enough wobble to keep everyone happy. All this, when fused with vocals and lyrics, give the track a perfect balance and should entice a variety of genre fans. Best of all the track is free to download and looks to be a launchpad for Jagga, who is signed to Sony and tipped to be doing big things this year.

TMS – "Keep On The Lights" (Feat. Jagga and Devlin)
Skinny G
I am a man from London town. I sound like I am from Oliver Twist and often wear a monacle. It helps me feel more victorian innit. Given the choice I would spend all day browsing the net listening to music, sadly I'm still looking for a way of getting to do that. Though I am close. I write for Mainly UK stuff, electronic, post dubstep band stuff, some hip hop anything that catches my eye or ear really.