As an avid fan of LCD Soundsystem, it was a little more than depressing hearing last year that the band had plans to separate after nearly a decade making music together. To go off with a bang, LCD Soundsystem played one final farewell show on April 2, 2011 in front of thousands of fans at Madison Square Garden. Almost a year following the show, this year’s Sundance Film Festival will be hold a screening for Shut Up and Play The Hits. Directed by Dylan Southern and Will Lovelace, the documentary follows LCD frontman James Murphy days leading up to the performance, the MSG show itself, and the events that follow. The film will feature a glimpse into Murphy’s life as well as clips from the MSG concert, according to Entertainment Weekly.
Listen to "All My Friends" from the band's 2007 Sounds of Silver release, and watch the trailer for Shut Up and Play the Hits via Entertainment Weekly below.