Beats Antique aren't your average electronic group. In fact, I learned about them from my friend who's a belly dancer, and have since encountered fans of all kinds. Beats Antique's music is an intriguing, exotic blend of the world and electronic genres. Their show-going fanbase, at least in Boston, consists not of the electro-brats you'll find at most "dubstep" shows (I don't exclude myself from this description), but instead, primarily friendly, smiling hippy-types who just want to dance.
Check out this new track, "Cat Skills," from their upcoming album, Elektrafone, out October 4, and find their upcoming tour dates on their website to see if they'll be stopping near you. Trust me, their show is a great time — there's plenty to watch on stage but you'll still be very inclined to dance your tail off!
Free download after the jump: