This is your Daily 2% – Chilled and Ready to Serve. We will try to bring you one "chill" track every day. This is for when you get home and you are trying to unwind. You reach for that glass of wine or that unlit Black & Mild or maybe you reach for something more herbal. This track is for those times. We are just your milkmen and I'm here to make a delivery. Chill…
Today's delivery is brought to you by Nneka. Nneka is the Nigerian-German singer/songwriter who has three solid releases under her belt but only one American release. She released Concrete Jungle earlier this year which was a success but she still doesn't garner the attention she deserves. Her content is usually always thought provoking and its being told with a beautiful yet emotional voice. You hear so much heart in her music which is usually related to her African roots and the struggles of African people. The song I'm bringing to you today is called "Do You Love Me Now?" which she performs acoustically for a French magazine. I'm not positive but it looks like the track will be featured on her upcoming album entitled Soul is Heavy. Now, this track has more soul than her small frame should be able to bare yet she pulls it off so effortlessly. "Beautiful" is the word you'll be looking for once you check out the performance. Check out the track and chill…