This is your Daily 2% – Chilled and Ready to Serve. We will try to bring you one "chill" track every day. This is for when you get home and you are trying to unwind. You reach for that glass of wine or that unlit Black & Mild or maybe you reach for something more herbal. This track is for those times. We are just your milkmen and I'm here to make a delivery. Chill…
Today's delivery is brought to you by Condokrew. Now, this group is super new and they don't even have any officially studio recorded tracks. But, when I came across their YouTube videos; I immediately identified and recognized the potential. This jam band trio hails all the way over in Mississauga (Canada) and are just now finding their own voice. The track I'm bringing to you today is called "Gimme All Your Money" which they only have the live/jam version of but that seems to be the best way to hear these guys perform. You sense they really vibe off each other to produce this reggae influenced sound. Really, with this track, I would of thought they were from California with their beach vibe. And, how chill would it be to partake and wind your days down in these type of jam sessions. Some burgers, some beers, a few laughs. Your fucking troubles would be over. Now, not all their tracks have this type of sound but this is by far the best one I've discovered from them. Check out the track and chill….
I got a knife where my head lays to keep me sharp on my dull days