So this isn't exactly "New" but definitely not officially released. The track is called "True Love and this one takes you way back a few years before J. Cole really made a name for himself. And he actually was going by the name Therapist when this was made. He's had the skill since a young age and really just needed to perfect it. The track sounds like something you'd hear coming from Queensbridge and it sounds like it has some Nas influence. Check out the track.
Montrey Whittaker
Like many, I started my musical education while engaged in playing classical music in school. What began as a simple adolescent activity, quickly transformed into a deep love and appreciation for all forms of music. This love would continue to grow and manifested itself into the form of becoming a Co-Founder of EARMILK. This online music publication has become my outlet to spread all genres of music to those impressionable people, much like me. And, much like you, i'm often literally waiting for the drop....