This is your Daily 2% – Chilled and Ready to Serve. We will try to bring you one "chill" track every day. This is for when you get home and you are trying to unwind. You reach for that glass of wine or that unlit Black & Mild or maybe you reach for something more herbal. This track is for those times. We are just your milkmen and I'm here to make a delivery. Chill…
Today's delivery is brought to you by Blue Sky Black Death. This group is no stranger to the Daily 2% feature considering they make some of the chillest music you can find. But they don't make chill music that will put you to sleep or anything; they create music that creats very vivid imagery and gets the mind wandering. Now, they are set to release their latest album, entitled NOIR, later this month and they have been recently giving out previews to the album. The track I'm bringing to you today is from that upcoming album and is called "Sleeping Children Are Flying". It's a very layered track that oddly evokes feelings of nostalgia that are hard to shake. Also included is a music video for the track "In The Quiet Absence Of God". Check out the track and chill…
Bonus Video:[vimeo][/vimeo]