Today marks the 10th anniversary of the release of Discovery (Disco Very?) from Daft Punk. Now, this wasn't their earliest release and there are many that would explain that they were fans way before this album. But, we can all agree that it is THE album that really brought them into the mainstream with the general populace and for good reasons. The album is a masterpiece in ALL respect. Daft Punk started so many trends with this album that are unique to them. I remember first hearing "One More Time" and trying to figure out why I loved such a repetitive song then remembering how it just blew up even more when they started releasing the music videos for the singles. If you aren't aware; the music videos for this album were actually from a full-length anime movie that uses the whole soundtrack and the movie itself has no spoken words. Now, I'm gonna stop bullshittin' because whatever I say will not give justice to the album. You know and I know that its a masterpiece album and that's all that really needs to be said. And the only question that needs to be asked is: What was the best track from the album? I guess the obvious answer is" Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" but what do you think?