Here we ( come across so many tracks and well – it's hard to come up with meaningful postings for every single track we get. In the interest of full disclosure and in the hopes of supporting those who have taken the time to support us – Here is your grab bag, straight from the teet.
This suckling gives you abunch of new Dirty Disco Youth as well as some equally new Tiga. We found H.Y.D.E. this week and well, thank god for that. Face Down is a classic re-work of what you will dance to (probably against someone else).
Some staples like a Kelis remix, and a FuckedUp! bring it all home. Oh yeah, a decent deconstruction of Passion Pit (god-damnit can't get enough of the Alice in Wonderland vibe)
Download: Tiga – Sex o'clock (Lidell's Sex o'cloak n Dagger Remix)